I just want to tell you all readers the blog is still alive. The problem is it is not enough hours on a day! I hope that I will have more time for the blog soon. Right now, it is too much work to have time for the blog. I have been busy with implementing thirty percent more spare parts for a third car brand in the Swedish warehouse and starting up distribution for about forty percent new customers in Sweden. Right after that have I been responsible for establishing a new warehouse in Denmark and then implementing spare parts for the third car brand and then moving the old warehouse with the other two car brands to the new warehouse. I have been living in Copenhagen two to three days a week in almost five months now. It have been a very exiting experience and it have been tough but everything is going well.
Soon it is vacation and after that, it is time to try something new after eleven years. More about that later…
I can inform you that I will attend at Consafe Logistics “Global Customer Event” 2-3 October 2019 as a member of the panel board. The theme is “adapting warehouse operations to the new market trends”. It feels great and I am very exited about the event. If there is someone else that want me to be part of an event, feel free to ask. I love to network, it is one of the best ways (besides reading books) to learn new things.
A few words about what I have thinking about lately. It is not a cliché the supply chain business including warehouse logistics is becoming more disruptive and innovative than ever. Look at the new market for robotics automation in warehouse logistics. Look at all suppliers of software, for example, WMS, WCS and TMS. In all these groups both established and new suppliers is implementing AI and machine learning. The development is going faster than ever and the time to market is shorter than ever. That places high demands on companies that will invest in these products. Questions that you should ask are, how established is the product and how expanded is the service and support organization? How future-proof is the product and how much capital is invested in further development? I absolutely recommend reference visits to other customers and speak with colleges in the industry how the talk goes about the products. It is great with disruption, innovation and faster development but it really places higher demands of the customers. For many e-commerce companies, the investment can be the difference between success and failure. Often it can be good to use of external expertise in such a process.
While waiting for new articles, there are sixty other articles about logistics, leadership and lean on the blog to read.
Roberth Karlsson